Encounter Festival

This was a festival held at Ta’ Qali national March in April 2019. I played a significant role in this youth festival, as I was active since the conception of the idea to organise a youth festival.
Building a vision, branding, promotion, logistics, decorations, setting up, coordination of volunteers, ticket sales, liaising with artists, creation of props and much more, were the thing I was taking care of alone. Even I surprised my self with how I managed all this.
With over 700 youth attendance, Encounter was a successful festival.


As a festival, Encounter aimed give an experience of encounter on 4 different levels; with other Youth; with God; With Society; and with the Church.

In fact, the logo was designed with these 4 encounters in mind.
1. The arrows represent youths, coming from different directions and encountering each other.

2. When combining the 2 arrows, this forms a cross which represents the encounter with God.

3. The circle is the society in which we live in.

4. And finally, all of these together are what makes the Church.



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