University Chaplaincy

Being the Voluntary Work Co-Ordinator with Degree Plus at the University of Malta and also part of the University Chaplaincy team in charge of voluntary work abroad, has lead me to a new field of work. The planning, implementation and promotion of voluntary work.
Although the Chaplaincy summer voluntary experiences have been going on for years, the promotion and application process were all done manually and just by the word of mouth. Information about the experiences could only be obtained by emailing the Chaplaincy team.
In 2017 Chaplaincy had around 60 applications for voluntary work, and this number was only achieved after the deadline was extended by 2 weeks.
In 2018, the year I’ve joined, I’ve built the first ever website for the summer experiences, with all the information on each experience, testimonies, photos and videos. This also created the possibility to apply online for the first time. 120 applications were submitted, without the need to extend the deadline.

Logos for Voluntary Groups

Every year, all the groups which are going on voluntary work design logos which are then printed on their own t-shirts. I had the opportunity the design a couple of these, both for groups which I formed part of and also for other groups. Some logos depicted elements of the main summer camp theme such as the Firenze 2017 & 2018.

All logos were designed from scratch and prepared for print.

Designs for 2018 Voluntary Work Promotion

Other Designs

Apart from the voluntary aspect, event planning is part of my day to day role. These events target the growth of the Chaplaincy community but also aim to welcome newcomers, such as Erasmus students. Promotion for these events is done through the Chaplaincy social media and also printed material.


Voluntary Work Website